First Article:
- Neuroscientists at The University of Queensland have discovered a new way to explain how emotional events can sometimes lead to disturbing long term memories.
- This article explains how some very strong emotional events can lead to disturbing long term memories.
-Some examples in real life are like someone that was raped when she was young and maybe she can be like traumatized by that event that will disturb her for the rest of her life.
Second Article:
- The article is about this: The human brain stores some kinds of memories for a lifetime. But when our eyes are open and looking at things, our gray matter also creates temporary memories that help us process complex tasks during the few seconds these visual memories exist. For decades, scientists have held that such short-term memories don’t suddenly disappear, but grow gradually more imprecise over the course of several seconds.
-It is a very interesting article and to be honest, I had not given it a lot of thought and it now is opening my eyes to a greater reality.
- Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found just the opposite.
Third Article:
-This article is explaining how the memories that you try to forget are the harder ones to lose and it is very interesting and it has happened to me on many occasions.
-An example is when I was making my Confirmacion about two years ago, at the same time Real Madrid was playing against Barcelona and i hate Barcelona with all my heart and they won 6-2 and that is the memory that i have tried to forget the most but I can never seem to let it go.
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