Is Perception Reality?

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Bipolar Video Response

After watching the video of the child named Evan Scott Perry, i have learned a lot from the mental dissorder known as Bipolar. Bipolar is a sickness that makes most of the people that suffer from it, to kill themselves. Bipolar consists of sudden mood swings for example in the documentary of Evan. The documentary shows how Evan when he was a small child he was very funny and a enthusiastic child but then when he started to grow he started to ask things about what would happen if he killed himself. Sometimes he just told his parents or teacher that he was going to jumpo off a window. The kid passed through many phases in his life for example he went to some kind of rehab center and they gave him a special medicine that tranquilized him a little. Also, he tried to commit suicide before getting in this rehab mentioned before. This is one of the hardest and most hurtful illnesses because for example you can be looking at the funniest and most kind person in the world but in 5 minutes he will be a complete demon and a very different person and that is really hard for his family and friends and it can lead to horrible endings. Most of the people who are diagnosed with Bipolar end up killing themselves. 

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